MEMENTO DIGITAL je agencija koja pruža usluge digitalnog marketinga.



Varaždinska 96.
Trnovec, HR-42202


Tvrtka je registrirana na Trgovačkom sudu u Varaždinu, Hrvatska.

OIB: HR18211210934

MATIČNI BROJ: 05840759

Uvjeti korištenja

Poduzeće MEMENTO DIGITAL d.o.o. sa sjedištem u Trnovcu izdavač je internet stranice Usluge koje pruža MEMENTO DIGITAL  na domeni je uključujući ali ne ograničavajući se na financijske transakcije, posredovanje u prodaji, upravljanje digitalnim sadržajima i online informacijske usluge.

Korištenje web stranice podrazumijeva da ste kao korisnik potpuno svjesni i da se slažete s našim Uvjetima korištenja, Uvjetima prodaje i Politikom privatnosti. Ukoliko se ne slažete ili ne prihvaćate navedene uvjete, molimo vas da ne pristupate ovoj web stranici. Svako daljnje korištenje ove web stranice nakon upoznavanja s Uvjetima korištenja podrazumijeva vašu suglasnost s uvjetima i pravilima iznesenima ovdje i vaš pristanak na korištenje web stranice u skladu s tim uvjetima.

Korisnik prihvaća da je upotreba web stranice isključivo na vlastitu odgovornost. MEMENTO DIGITAL kao ni bilo koja druga povezana treća strana, ne garantiraju da će pristup web stranici biti neprekidan ili bez grešaka, niti preuzimaju odgovornost za posljedice koje mogu doći iz korištenja web stranice ili za točnost, pouzdanost ili kvalitetu bilo koje ponuđene informacije, usluge ili proizvoda. Korisnik pristaje da MEMENTO DIGITAL ne snosi odgovornost za neprimjereno ili nezakonito ponašanje drugih korisnika ili trećih strana i da je korisnik sam odgovoran za svu moguću štetu koja može nastati kao rezultat toga. Ova izjava o odricanju odgovornosti primjenjuje se na sve štete uzrokovane greškama, izbrisanim podacima, prekidima, virusima, kvarovima, odgodama u operacijama ili prijenosu, prekidima komunikacijskih linija, krađama, raskidima ugovora, uništavanjem ili neautoriziranim pristupom, promjenama ili zloupotrebama podataka, neprimjerenim ponašanjem, nemarom ili bilo kojom drugom akcijom. MEMENTO DIGITAL ili bilo koja druga fizička ili pravna osoba koja je sudjelovala u stvaranju, produkciji ili distribuciji ove web stranice ne snose odgovornost za bilo kakvu štetu koja može nastati kao rezultat korištenja ili nemogućnosti korištenja web stranice.

Korisnik je odgovoran za čuvanje povjerljivosti lozinki koje se koriste i stvaraju prilikom korištenja usluga koje pruža MEMENTO DIGITAL. Korisnik je također odgovoran za nabavku i održavanje svoje računalne opreme, uključujući sav potrebni softver i hardver, kao i za svu drugu opremu potrebnu za pristup i korištenje web stranice, te za sve troškove povezane s tim. MEMENTO DIGITAL nije odgovoran za bilo kakva oštećenja korisnikove opreme koja mogu nastati korištenjem ove web stranice.

MEMENTO DIGITAL zadržava pravo da u bilo kojem trenutku, bez prethodne obavijesti, ukoliko smatra potrebnim, prekine ili promijeni bilo koji od Uvjeta korištenja web stranice i/ili Politiku privatnosti. Promjene mogu uključivati uvođenje naknada ili plaćanja, stoga preporučujemo korisnicima da redovito pregledavaju Uvjete korištenja i Politiku privatnosti kako bi bili informirani o mogućim promjenama. MEMENTO DIGITAL također zadržava pravo da u bilo kojem trenutku promijeni ili prekine bilo koji aspekt poslovanja, uključujući dostupnost, sadržaj, kao i opremu potrebnu za pristup ili korištenje web stranica. MEMENTO DIGITAL može također prestati objavljivati informacije ili dio informacija, promijeniti ili prekinuti bilo koji način prijenosa podataka, te može promijeniti brzinu prijenosa podataka kao i bilo koje druge njihove karakteristike. Ako dođe do promjene Uvjeta korištenja i/ili Politike privatnosti, a korisnik nastavi koristiti web stranice, smatra se da prihvaća izmijenjene Uvjete korištenja i Politiku privatnosti. Svaka promjena ili brisanje uvjeta odmah po objavi na web stranicama važi i za treće strane. Svako korištenje web stranica, osim upoznavanja s promjenama uvjeta, od strane korisnika nakon takve promjene podrazumijeva prihvaćanje tih promjena.

Korisnici su dužni koristiti web stranicu isključivo u skladu s propisima Republike Hrvatske, kao i s općeprihvaćenim moralnim i etičkim načelima.

Korištenjem web stranica, korisnik pristaje da sva komunikacija i interakcija koja se odvija putem ove web stranice mora biti u skladu s ovim Uvjetima korištenja. Korisnici ne smiju objavljivati, prenositi ili na bilo koji način činiti dostupnim sadržaje koji na bilo koji način krše prava drugih, primjerice sadržaje koji su uvredljivi, klevetnički, koji narušavaju ili ugrožavaju privatnost, kao ni sadržaje nezakonitog karaktera. MEMENTO DIGITAL zadržava pravo da sam ocijeni da li je došlo do povrede obveza od strane korisnika. Korisnik bez prethodnog pismenog odobrenja MEMENTO DIGITAL-a ne smije objavljivati, prenositi ili na bilo koji način činiti dostupnim sadržaj koji sadrži oglase, reklame ili ponude bilo čijih proizvoda i usluga, kao ni materijale s vjerskim, političkim ili nekomercijalnim sadržajem, posebno ne smije vrbovati druge korisnike web stranica da postanu korisnici konkurentskih usluga. MEMENTO DIGITAL zadržava pravo da samostalno ocijeni postoji li povreda obveza od strane korisnika.

Materijali dostupni na web stranicama su vlasništvo tvrtke MEMENTO DIGITAL i zaštićeni su zakonom, ili se koriste sukladno odobrenjima vlasnika autorskih prava i vlasnika prava na žigove, kao i drugim potrebnim odobrenjima. MEMENTO DIGITAL je nositelj autorskih prava na cjelokupnom sadržaju web stranice potrebnom za njeno pravilno funkcioniranje.

Zabranjeno je bilo kakvo kopiranje, prijenos, distribucija, povezivanje, objavljivanje ili bilo kakva promjena ovih web stranica bez pismenog odobrenja MEMENTO DIGITAL-a. Svako kršenje ovih zabrana može rezultirati povredom autorskih prava, prava na žig ili drugih prava, što može dovesti do pokretanja sudskih postupaka, uključujući i kazneni progon. Korisnik se obvezuje ne mijenjati, objavljivati, prenositi, sudjelovati u prijenosu ili prodaji, stvarati izvedene radove, ili na bilo koji drugi način iskorištavati bilo koji sadržaj s web stranice, u cijelosti ili djelomično. Također, nije dozvoljeno kopiranje, redistribucija, ponovni prijenos, izdavanje ili komercijalno iskorištavanje preuzetog materijala.

Korisnik se slaže da neće smatrati odgovornim i da će obeštetiti MEMENTO DIGITAL za sve zahtjeve za naknadom štete i troškove, uključujući i one koji proizlaze iz korištenja ovih web stranica od strane korisnika. To uključuje i njegove podružnice, njihove odgovorne osobe, zaposlenike, agente, uključujući i troškove pravnog zastupanja.

MEMENTO DIGITAL može prekinuti poslovni odnos s korisnikom u bilo kojem trenutku i zadržava pravo odmah ukinuti sve ili bilo koje lozinke ili korisničke račune u slučaju ponašanja korisnika koje MEMENTO DIGITAL smatra neprihvatljivim. Također, MEMENTO DIGITAL može prekinuti poslovni odnos s bilo kojim korisnikom u slučaju nepoštovanja ovih Uvjeta od strane korisnika. U slučaju ukidanja lozinki ili korisničkih računa, uvjeti koji se odnose na odgovornost i obveze korisnika i dalje ostaju na snazi.

MEMENTO DIGITAL nije odgovoran za bilo kakav eventualni gubitak ili štetu nastalu iz razloga što se korisnik oslonio na informacije dobivene na web stranicama

MEMENTO DIGITAL se izričito ograđuje od svakog sadržaja materijala na internetskim stranicama trećih strana do kojih se može pristupiti s web stranice U slučaju pristupa internetskim stranicama trećih strana, korisnik to čini isključivo na vlastitu odgovornost, što uključuje svako isključenje odgovornosti MEMENTO DIGITAL-a.

U slučaju da je bilo koja od odredbi ovih uvjeta korištenja ništavna, takva ništavost neće utjecati na valjanost ostalih odredbi ovih uvjeta, koji će i dalje ostati na snazi, a ništavna odredba će se zamijeniti valjanom odredbom koja najbolje odgovara namjeri ništavne odredbe. Ako bilo koja strana ne iskoristi svoja prava iz ovih uvjeta, to se ne smatra odricanjem od tih prava ili bilo kojih drugih prava navedenih ovdje.

Osobama mlađim od 14 godina zabranjeno je korištenje web stranice

Svaki spor ili zahtjev koji proizlazi iz ili u vezi s ovim Uvjetima, ili njihovom provedbom, podliježe nadležnosti suda u Varaždinu i rješava se u skladu s pravnim propisima Republike Hrvatske.

Platforma Europske komisije za online rješavanje sporova dostupna je na sljedećem linku.

Za korisnike web stranice, smatra se da je korisnik u potpunosti pročitao ove Uvjete korištenja.

Zaštita osobnih podataka

MEMENTO DIGITAL d.o.o. se obvezuje na zaštitu privatnosti kupaca tako što će prikupljati samo one osnovne i nužne podatke o kupcima koji su potrebni za ispunjavanje naših obveza. Također, MEMENTO DIGITAL d.o.o. obavještava kupce o korištenju prikupljenih informacija, te im redovito nudi mogućnost izbora u vezi s korištenjem njihovih podataka. To uključuje opciju da se njihovo ime izuzme iz listi koje se upotrebljavaju u marketinške svrhe. Informacije o korisnicima se čuvaju pod strogo kontroliranim uvjetima i dostupne su isključivo onim zaposlenicima kojima su te informacije potrebne za obavljanje njihovih dužnosti. Svi zaposlenici MEMENTO DIGITAL d.o.o. i poslovni partneri dužni su poštovati principe zaštite privatnosti.

Pravila o povratu novca

MEMENTO DIGITAL d.o.o. nudi personalizirane usluge koje obuhvaćaju rad, zbog čega povrat sredstava nakon započinjanja radova nije izvediv. Proces pružanja usluge započinje najkasnije sljedećeg radnog dana nakon izvršenog plaćanja. MEMENTO DIGITAL zadržava pravo odlučivanja o valjanosti svakog zahtjeva za povrat sredstava.

Usklađenost s GDPR-om

GDPR (general data protection regulation) predstavlja legislativu Europske unije koja uvodi ključne izmjene u definiciji i upotrebi osobnih podataka.

MEMENTO DIGITAL je naziv za agenciju specijaliziranu za digitalni marketing unutar tvrtke MEMENTO DIGITAL d.o.o.

Koliko dugo čuvamo vaše podatke?

Vaše podatke čuvamo u skladu s relevantnim zakonodavstvom o zaštiti podataka. Zadržavamo ih toliko dugo koliko je neophodno za svrhe njihove obrade ili kako bi se postupalo prema zakonskim zahtjevima. Podatke prikupljene s vašom izričitom suglasnošću čuvamo dok ne povučete tu suglasnost. Podatke koje obrađujemo na osnovu zakonskih zahtjeva ili ugovora s vama zadržavamo prema zakonskim odredbama (npr. 10 godina za fiskalne dokumente) ili tijekom trajanja ugovornog odnosa, plus dodatnih 5 godina nakon njegovog završetka, u skladu s općim rokom zastare.

Nakon isteka perioda čuvanja, vaši osobni podaci se ili trajno brišu ili se procesom anonimizacije čine neidentifikabilnima, onemogućavajući povezivanje s bilo kojom osobom.

Na koji način štitimo vaše osobne podatke?

Primjenjujemo različite tehničke i organizacijske mjere sigurnosti kako bismo zaštitili vaše osobne informacije od nelegalnog pristupa, neautorizirane upotrebe, slučajnog gubitka ili djelomičnog uništenja. Te mjere su razvijene s obzirom na našu IT strukturu, potencijalni rizik za vašu privatnost i povezane troškove, te su usklađene s najnovijim standardima i praksama industrije.

Svi naši partneri koji sudjeluju u obradi podataka obvezni su poštovati ove sigurnosne mjere. Očuvanje sigurnosti vaših podataka uključuje:

  • Povjerljivost i integritet: Zaštitili smo vaše podatke od neautoriziranog pristupa i obrade te od slučajnog uništenja ili oštećenja.

  • Dostupnost: Garantiramo da će osobe ovlaštene za obradu imati pristup vašim podacima prema potrebi.

Što su to kolačići?

Kolačić je mala datoteka koju naša web stranica šalje i pohranjuje na vašem uređaju prilikom posjete, kako bi vas prepoznala prilikom sljedećeg posjeta i zapamtila vaše postavke. Kolačići pohranjuju vaše preferencije, automatski popunjavaju obrasce na internetu i služe kao identifikator prijavljenih korisnika.

Vaš pristanak je potreban za pohranu kolačića – bez vaše dozvole ne možemo pristupiti ili pohraniti informacije. Kolačići sami po sebi ne sadrže podatke koji bi vas mogli osobno identificirati. U svakom trenutku možete promijeniti postavke svojeg preglednika kako biste odlučili hoćete li prihvatiti ili odbiti kolačiće, ili pak želite li automatski obrisati sve kolačiće pri zatvaranju preglednika.

Kako onemogućiti kolačiće?

Ako preferirate da naša web stranica ne pohranjuje kolačiće na vaš uređaj, potrebno je prilagoditi postavke vašeg internetskog preglednika. Odaberite preglednik koji koristite za detaljne upute o prilagodbi postavki kolačića. Blokiranjem kolačića i dalje možete pristupiti našoj stranici, ali imajte na umu da to može utjecati na kvalitetu vašeg korisničkog iskustva i funkcionalnost stranice. Dodatne informacije o kolačićima i njihovom upravljanju potražite na

Onemogućavanje kolačića

Za promjenu postavki kolačića, odaberite preglednik koji koristite:

Blokiranje kolačića može utjecati na određene funkcionalnosti web stranice. Čak i ako isključite sve kolačiće, određena osnovna količina podataka i dalje će se prikupljati putem vašeg preglednika, što je nužno za osnovne funkcije web stranice.

Vrste kolačića koje koristimo uključuju:

  • Privremeni kolačići, koji se automatski brišu nakon zatvaranja preglednika.

  • Trajni kolačići, koji ostaju u vašem pregledniku do isteka ili dok ih ručno ne uklonite. Koristimo ih za bolje razumijevanje vaših preferencija i poboljšanje vašeg korisničkog iskustva. Informacije prikupljene kroz kolačiće su anonimne.

Također koristimo kolačiće trećih strana za određene funkcije koje poboljšavaju pristup sadržaju.

Korištenje servisa Google Analytics

Naša web stranica koristi Google Analytics za analizu prometa. Kolačići se koriste za prikupljanje podataka koje Google obrađuje. Možete spriječiti praćenje instaliranjem dodatka za isključivanje dostupnog putem ovog linka.

Postavljanjem kolačića za isključivanje spriječit ćete prikupljanje podataka tijekom budućih posjeta. Dodatne informacije o Google Analyticsu i obradi podataka potražite u Googleovim pravilima o privatnosti.

Obrada osobnih podataka

Ovisno o namjenama za koje obrađujemo vaše osobne podatke, primatelje podataka možemo podijeliti u sljedeće kategorije:

  • Naš tim i suradnici

  • Naši poslovni partneri koji su obavezni poštovati važeće zakone o zaštiti podataka i posvetiti posebnu pažnju zaštiti vaših osobnih informacija. To uključuje pouzdane kompanije koje mogu koristiti vaše podatke za pružanje zatraženih usluga ili proizvoda, ili za slanje marketinških materijala, pod uvjetom vaše prethodne suglasnosti. Suradnici kao što su vanjski pružatelji IT usluga, pravne službe, dostavne službe, te platforme poput MailChimp, Google i Facebook, mogu biti uključeni u slanje komunikacija, remarketing i analitiku putem identifikacijskih podataka iz kolačića ili e-mail adresa za ciljane oglase.

Drugi subjekti mogu imati pristup vašim podacima ako to zahtijeva zakon ili je to potrebno za zaštitu prava, imovine ili sigurnosti naše tvrtke, njenih klijenata i suradnika. To obuhvaća situacije kao što su zakonske obveze, zahtjevi vlasti, sudski postupci ili obveze izvještavanja.

Naši poslovni partneri moraju se pridržavati naših uputa pri obradi vaših podataka i ne smiju ih koristiti u vlastite svrhe. Važno je napomenuti da neki od tih suradnika, koji vam mogu nuditi proizvode ili usluge izravno, mogu zasebno prikupljati vaše osobne podatke. U takvim slučajevima, oni su izravno odgovorni za upravljanje vašim podacima, a vaša interakcija s njima regulirana je njihovim uvjetima korištenja.

Drugi mogu pristupiti vašim podacima kada je to zakonski potrebno ili za zaštitu prava i sigurnosti naše tvrtke i klijenata.

Naši partneri moraju slijediti naše upute pri obradi vaših podataka i ne smiju ih koristiti u vlastite svrhe. Imajte na umu da neki pružatelji usluga mogu zasebno prikupljati vaše podatke, za što su sami odgovorni.

Zahtjevi za pristup, brisanje ili izmjenu podataka

Zahtjeve za uvid, brisanje ili izmjenu vaših osobnih podataka možete podnijeti putem:

Promjene uvjeta korištenja

MEMENTO DIGITAL zadržava pravo promjene uvjeta korištenja u bilo koje vrijeme i bez prethodne najave. Za sva moguća pitanja o zaštiti privatnosti podataka, korisnici nam se u svako doba mogu obratiti putem emaila te u bilo koje vrijeme možete zatražiti izmjenu ili brisanje Vaših podataka kontaktom na istoj email adresi.

Ovi uvjeti primjenjuju se od 03/02/2024.


MEMENTO DIGITAL is a digital marketing agency.




Varaždinska 96.
Trnovec, HR-42202



The company is registered at the Commercial Court in Varaždin, Croatia.

VAT ID: HR18211210934


Terms of Use

Within these Terms, "you" denotes any individual accessing the Website, whereas "MEMENTO DIGITAL" is referred to as "we" or "us."

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When you proceed with using the Website, you consent to adhere to these Terms as they are currently outlined and as may be modified by MEMENTO DIGITAl periodically. Should you find these Terms unacceptable, you are compelled to cease using the Website immediately.

Modifications to these Terms and the Website

These Terms may be updated by us at any moment through modifications to this page. It is advisable for you to periodically review this page to be aware of any alterations we have implemented, as they are obligatory for you.

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Efforts are made by us to ensure the accuracy of the information published on the Website, yet we cannot vouch for its precision. Prior to depending on it, you should verify the information presented on the Website. The downloading of material from the Website is at your sole discretion, and all materials offered through the Website are provided on an "as-is" basis without warranty.

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The Website is provided without any guarantees. No claims, warranties, or assurances are made by us, whether explicit or implied, regarding the completeness, accuracy, or updated status of our Website's content.

These Terms do not exclude or limit our liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence, fraudulent misrepresentation, or any other liability that cannot be excluded or limited under Croatian or EU law.

We shall not be held responsible for any loss or damage, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, even if foreseeable, associated with the use or inability to use our site, or reliance on any content displayed on our site. Specifically for business users, we disclaim liability for lost profits, sales, business, or revenue; business interruption; lost anticipated savings; lost business opportunity, goodwill, or reputation, or any indirect or consequential loss or damage.

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We do not assure continuous availability of the Website and may suspend access without prior notice.

Third-party Websites

We do not accept responsibility for the content on any websites linked from our Website or websites through which you have accessed our Website. These links do not imply our endorsement of the linked websites, and we will not be liable for any loss or damage that may arise from your use of them.

Intellectual Property Rights

All intellectual property rights on our site and in the materials published on it are owned by or licensed to us. These works are protected globally by copyright laws and treaties. All rights are reserved. No part of these Terms grants, assigns, or transfers any of those rights to you. Reproduction or use of images, trademarks, or names displayed on the Website for purposes other than personal use without our written permission is prohibited.

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Data and Privacy

Your privacy is of paramount importance to MEMENTO DIGITAL. Our Privacy Policy outlines how we handle the information you provide through the Website.

General Provisions

These Terms are governed by Croatian and EU laws, with Croatian courts having exclusive jurisdiction over disputes arising from or related to your use of the Website.

Should any part of these Terms be deemed invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, such part will be severed from the remainder, which will continue to be valid to the fullest extent permitted by law.

Secure Payment Processing

For your credit card information's security, we have partnered with Stripe, Wise, and PayPal, ensuring a trusted and secure financial transaction system. Your credit card details will never be stored by MEMENTO DIGITAL. Visit their websites for more detailed information on payment security.

Privacy Policy

Respecting your privacy and the integrity of your personal information is a commitment of MEMENTO DIGITAL d.o.o. and its divisions, affiliates, and subsidiaries. This Privacy Policy details our approach to the collection, use, and disclosure of your personal information.

This policy is subject to continuous assessment against new technologies, business practices, and the needs of our users. As our services evolve, this Privacy Policy may also change. Please review it periodically for updates, which become effective within 30 days of posting or notification, unless a shorter period is mandated by law. Your continued access to our websites and use of our services signifies your acceptance of any changes to the Privacy Policy.

The Terms of Service, which govern your use of the Website and outline the terms under which MEMENTO DIGITAL services and mobile applications are provided, should also be reviewed. The Privacy Policy is an integral part of the Terms of Service.

Applicability of This Policy

At MEMENTO DIGITAL, protecting our users' privacy means we do not sell or rent any personal information to third parties. This Privacy Policy aims to clarify how we handle personal information collected from our website's visitors and users of the MEMENTO DIGITAL Services.

Definition of Personal Information

For this Privacy Policy, "personal information" refers to information that can identify an individual or is capable of identifying an individual when combined with other data. This includes, but is not limited to, your name, address, email address, and country of residence. Personal information does not cover business contact details or "aggregate" information, which we collect through our website and services and may include data that does not identify individual users.


By accessing our website, using our mobile applications, or engaging with MEMENTO DIGITAL Services, you acknowledge, accept, and consent to the collection, use, retention, and disclosure of personal information as outlined in this Privacy Policy.

Providing us with your personal information is always your choice, but withholding certain information may limit our ability to offer you specific products or services. We commit to collecting, using, and disclosing your personal information solely as described in this Privacy Policy, unless otherwise permitted or required by law.

Collection of Personal Information

Certain features of our services require you to complete a registration process and create an account. During this process, you will need to provide basic information, such as your name, affiliated educational institution, and a valid email address, which MEMENTO DIGITAL will retain and associate with your account. Optionally, if you register using SMS, your mobile phone number will be used for SMS responses and password recovery.

Your mobile phone number will not be used for purposes other than those specified, unless you consent otherwise. Your educational institution may utilize MEMENTO DIGITAL Services for polls and surveys, which could involve sending you SMS messages. We do not control the institution's use of these features but will not use your contact information for unrelated purposes or share it with third parties. If you have opted out of SMS or phone communications, we will honor that choice.

Information about your use of the System, such as login times and responses to questions, is automatically recorded by our servers and associated with your account. This data may be used by instructors for academic evaluation. We store and maintain personal and account information to provide the System.

MEMENTO DIGITAL may analyze student performance data to assess the effectiveness of our services and enhance classroom learning. These analyses are conducted without revealing user identities to third parties, and we do not sell, rent, trade, or disclose personal or account information about our users.

For orders requiring payment information, such as access to licensed content, MEMENTO DIGITAL will collect the necessary details, including credit card numbers and billing addresses. This information, along with your IP address, is securely transmitted to payment processors using encryption. MEMENTO DIGITAL does not retain credit card information.

Use of Personal Information

MEMENTO DIGITAL may use the personal information you provide for various purposes, including:

  • Informing you about new products, services, newsletters, and research on potential product improvements

  • Creating content relevant to you

  • Offering special deals that might interest you, if you've opted in for marketing materials, to enhance your experience with our websites or systems

  • Developing better products and services to meet user needs

  • Enabling purchases, access to the System, or participation in selected activities

  • Providing technical support

  • Assisting you in finding relevant software, services, or product information

  • Sending transaction-related communications, such as welcome letters and order confirmations, as well as surveys or marketing communications about new products or services or other information that might be of interest to you

  • Implementing geographic restrictions on certain products, services, and content where legally required, using your address, IP address, and other information to enforce those restrictions

MEMENTO DIGITAL Services may offer opportunities for you to post reviews or other personal information in forums on the website at your discretion. It's important to understand that once you post such information, it becomes public and is beyond our control. Exercise caution when deciding to disclose any personal information in publicly accessible forums, and indemnify MEMENTO DIGITAL against any damages or claims resulting from your postings. While MEMENTO DIGITAL is not obligated to monitor postings, we may remov any content at our discretion.

Disclosure of Personal Information

MEMENTO DIGITAL will not sell or rent your personal information to third parties and will use and disclose it only for the purposes for which it was collected, as described in this Privacy Policy. However, you agree that MEMENTO DIGITAL may disclose your personal information under the following circumstances:

  • To administrators and instructors at your academic institution if you are a student

  • With your prior consent

  • As required by law in emergency situations or when mandated by government or legal authority

  • To institutional administration for administrative purposes, including compiling a list of instructors using the Services for evaluation purposes

  • In connection with a corporate re-organization, merger, or sale of assets, provided that the receiving party agrees to use and disclose your personal information consistent with this Privacy Policy, unless you consent otherwise

  • To service providers who perform services on our behalf, such as payment processing, debt collection, data storage, website hosting, order fulfillment, direct marketing, auditing, and others. These service providers are allowed access to only the necessary personal information and are contractually obligated to use and disclose it in a manner consistent with this Privacy Policy.

Some of these service providers may be located in Europe or other countries, leading to your personal information being stored, processed, or transferred internationally. MEMENTO DIGITAL takes all reasonable precautions to protect your personal information when handled by our service providers. For more information on our use of service providers and our related policies, please contact us as specified below.

Withdrawing Consent

You can withdraw your consent for the use of your personal information at any time by requesting account deletion or providing written notice of withdrawal. However, MEMENTO DIGITAL may retain information for audit, archival purposes, or as required by law. You can also update your personal information through your account's user features.

If you've opted in for marketing communications but no longer wish to receive them, you can unsubscribe following instructions in each email or adjust your account settings accordingly. Note that opting out of marketing communications does not exempt you from receiving transactional or account-related communications related to services or products you've requested or important updates from MEMENTO DIGITAL.

Retention of Personal Information

MEMENTO DIGITAL retains your information as long as necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or as required by law, which may extend beyond the termination of our services to you. Certain data may be retained to prevent fraud, for legitimate business purposes, or as required by law.

All retained personal information remains subject to this Privacy Policy. Complete deletion of your personal information may not be possible due to technological and legal constraints.


MEMENTO DIGITAL stores and processes your personal information primarily in the United States and internationally, subjecting it to the laws and potential government access in those jurisdictions, regardless of the safeguards we have implemented.

We employ reasonable managerial and technical measures to protect your personal information. Despite our efforts, no security system is infallible, and we cannot guarantee the security of your information or assume liability for unauthorized access. The Internet is not a completely secure medium, and the privacy of your email communications and personal information cannot be guaranteed.

By using our websites or providing personal information to us, you consent to electronic communications regarding security, privacy, and administrative issues related to your use of our websites and services.

Compliance with FERPA

For users in the United States, please note that MEMENTO DIGITAL's data protection and privacy policies are designed to be compliant with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). For more information on FERPA compliance, please contact us at the provided email address.

MEMENTO DIGITAL website and services are intended for tertiary-level students and are not designed for use by children under 13 years of age. No one under 13 is permitted to register for MEMENTO DIGITAL Services, provide personally identifiable information, or use our social, community, and public discussion areas. Minors between 13 and 17 years old must obtain permission from a parent or legal guardian before making purchases or subscriptions on MEMENTO DIGITAL Services.

Access to Personal Information

You are responsible for maintaining the accuracy of the personal information you provide to MEMENTO DIGITAL. To update your personal information, visit the specified website link and log in to your account.

Collection of Non-Personal Information

MEMENTO DIGITAL, along with our service providers and business partners, may collect non-personal information from your use of our website and services, such as server log files, environmental variables, and navigational data. This information helps us deliver better service and user experience.

We and our service providers (including ad servers, email vendors, affiliate vendors, advertising agencies, and web analytics tool providers) and business partners may use cookies, pixel tags, web beacons, clear GIFs, and other similar technologies to enhance service and user experience and facilitate ongoing access to and use of our services.

MEMENTO DIGITAL uses cookies to understand and save your preferences for future visits and to compile aggregate data about site traffic and interaction, aiming to offer better site experiences in the future. You can decline cookies through your browser settings, though this may limit your ability to access certain services. For more information on opting out of third-party service cookies, visit or similar sites.

You may opt out of Google's DoubleClick cookie and Google Analytics by visiting their respective opt-out pages. Google provides additional information on its Remarketing Privacy Guidelines and Restrictions.


MEMENTO DIGITAL websites contain hyperlinks to other websites. We make no warranties or representations regarding the privacy practices of third-party websites accessible by hyperlinks from our sites. The inclusion of any hyperlink does not imply MEMENTO DIGITAL endorsement or control over such websites or linked resources.

When you navigate away from our websites, our terms and policies no longer govern your access and use of other websites. We recommend reviewing the privacy and data collection practices of any website or resource you visit from our sites.

Social Media Widgets

Our website may feature Social Media Features and Widgets, such as the Facebook button, which may collect your IP address and page visit information and set cookies to function properly. These features may be hosted by a third party or directly on our site, and your interactions with them are governed by the privacy policy of the providing company.

California Users

In line with California Civil Code 1798.83, residents of California have the right to file grievances and complaints with the California Department of Consumer Affairs. Contact details are provided for filing complaints via mail, phone, or email.

United Kingdom and European Union Residents

Residents of the United Kingdom and the European Union have rights under data protection legislation to request information about the personal data we hold on them and how it is processed. Requests can be made for access, rectification, update, deletion, revocation, or improvement of personal information at no charge. We may require additional information to confirm your identity before processing your request. Contact details are provided for submitting such requests.

MEMENTO DIGITAL may transfer your personal data to servers located in Croatia or other countries outside the UK and European Economic Area, which may have different levels of data protection. By using and continuing to use our website and services, you consent to this transfer.

Payment Processors

MEMENTO DIGITAL utilizes bank transactions as payment processors for our services. Other methods might be requested additionally. We may disclose necessary personal and billing information to these processors to facilitate payments and minimize fraud. We do not retain credit card information.

We make no warranties or representations regarding the privacy practices of our payment processors or any other party in relation to transactions on our websites. Our terms and policies do not govern these parties, and we recommend reviewing their privacy and data collection practices.

Interpretation of This Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is intended to comply with Croatian and EU privacy laws and does not create rights or impose obligations beyond those required by such laws. In case of any inconsistency, this Privacy Policy will be interpreted in accordance with the applicable privacy laws.

Unless specified otherwise, MEMENTO DIGITAL services are operated from Croatia, and we do not intend for our services to be governed by the laws or jurisdiction of any state, country, or territory other than Croatia. We do not guarantee that our services are appropriate or available for use in any particular jurisdiction. Access to our services is at your own initiative and risk, and you are responsible for compliance with local laws. We reserve the right to limit the availability of our services to any person, geographic area, or jurisdiction at our discretion.

Refund Policy

MEMENTO DIGITAL offers customized services involving significant human labor and does not provide refunds for services that have already begun. Service commencement usually occurs the next business day after an order is placed, but it may start immediately.

We reserve the right to determine eligibility for a full refund based on whether the service has commenced. Orders ineligible for a refund but pending completion may be terminated without refund at the customer's request, or a partial refund may be issued.

MEMENTO DIGITAL does not honor full refund requests for reasons beyond our control, such as search engine ranking fluctuations or Google Webmaster Tool warnings. Full refund considerations include the inability to deliver services within a reasonable timeframe or rejection of orders for sites in unacceptable niches (e.g., adult content, pharmaceuticals, gambling).

Partial refunds may be considered if you wish to cancel an order after work has begun, based on the amount of credits not spent in the current billing period. Support questions and issues are addressed on a case-by-case basis.

GDPR Compliance

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect on May 25, 2018. MEMENTO DIGITAL has taken steps to comply with GDPR requirements concerning the privacy of our app clients, website and blog visitors, and email list subscribers.

Our GDPR compliance efforts include familiarizing ourselves with the regulation, attending training sessions, nominating a Data Protection Specialist, tracking data flow within MEMENTO DIGITAL, assessing data breach threats, updating our Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, and Terms of Service, and implementing necessary changes to ensure compliance in our business practices, website, and blog. We also focus on protecting personal data and educating our clients about GDPR in relation to email outreach. A GDPR compliance statement has been prepared, and we are developing responses to potential data breaches and ensuring secure data transfer systems.

Role in Data Protection

MEMENTO DIGITAL serves as both a data administrator and a data processor/sub-processor, depending on the context. As a data administrator, we inform clients and subscribers about third-party involvement in processing their personal data. We are also responsible for informing clients if an individual from their prospect list requests to stop marketing communications.

MEMENTO DIGITAL supports the "right to be forgotten" and assists in data deletion upon request. Our supplier selection process evaluates the security, privacy, and confidentiality practices of potential sub-processors who may access or process service data.

Need for GDPR

The need for GDPR arises from technological advancements and the ubiquity of personal data processing, which have rendered existing regulations obsolete. The regulation aims to update and standardize data protection rights across the EU, responding to EU citizens' desires for greater control over their personal data.

Protected Information Under GDPR

GDPR protects natural persons and their rights, covering the processing of personal data, including direct and indirect identifications that can influence an individual's identity. It encompasses a wide range of information that can identify an individual.

Definition of 'Processing'

"Processing" under GDPR includes a broad range of activities related to personal data, from collection and recording to structuring, storage, adaptation, alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure, dissemination, alignment, combination, restriction, erasure, and destruction.

Lawful Basis for Data Processing

GDPR requires adherence to principles such as lawfulness, fairness, transparency, adequacy, relevance, limitedness, accuracy, storage limitation, integrity, and confidentiality to legally process personal data.

MEMENTO DIGITAL complies with these principles by ensuring transparency and legitimacy in our data processing activities, obtaining consent where necessary, and processing only the necessary data for specified purposes. We also apply GDPR principles to cold email campaigns, requiring transparency about data processing and adherence to data processing rules.

Changes to Our Privacy Statement

We reserve the right to amend this Privacy Statement at our discretion. The last update and effective date are noted at the end of the document.

Last Updated and Effective Date: 03/02/2024.

Get in Touch

Tell us how we can assist you. Please provide details about your project, requirements, or any specific questions you have. The more information you share, the better we can understand your needs and provide a tailored response.